Training as the driving force for change

In Rieusset we have committed ourselves over these past years to promote training as the driving force for change, which has become an essential part of the company’s strategy for:

  • Transmitting the culture of Rieusset
  • Generating skills and competences in our employees

Training has gone from being regarded as a cost to being considered currently as just one more investment that provides us increased benefit in the business result and greater organizational growth.

Competitiveness in the market forces us every day to improve our product, our skills, our knowledge, our results, our commitment to Rieusset, and one of the key factors that has helped us position ourselves is our promotion of training.

We are aware that training is an investment whose results are not immediate, but we have committed ourselves to it because it means added value for us and in turn for our customers.

Investment in training allows us:

  • To have more motivated people
  • To implicate them so that more is more, more motivation more implication
  • To integrate them in the culture of Rieusset, as a consequence of this greater implication.



The main training objectives include:

  • Increasing our employees’ performance
  • Developing our employees’ capacities and influencing in their attitude
  • Conveying our corporate culture to the employees and improving their implication.

We started to work with this new training concept in 2013, and each year we have improved some of its aspects according to the needs that we have encountered, increasing the number of training actions as we have all become more aware of the benefits that they bring to our people and consequently to Rieusset.

Within the training that has been implemented we can differentiate between two types:

  • Transversal, which are those training actions that have been received and which affect all components of Rieusset, since we believe that they form part of our philosophy.
  • Specific, which are aimed at determined people to allow them to develop capacities and obtain the knowledge they need to comply with their assigned mission or role.

This type of training lets us adapt ourselves to possible changes and improve continuously.

All areas of the company are collaborating to make it possible for this project to move ahead and for training to become the true driving force for change that allows us to improve day by day as employees and as persons.


As food for thought, we would like to leave you with a phrase by the founder of the Ford Motor Company, Mr. Henry Ford : “The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.”

    If the topic of this post is of your interest and you would like to know what we can do for your brand, contact us.



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    You can access additional and extended information at this link.

    We Manufacture: Meet Rieusset:
  • Labels for Beers
  • Success Stories
  • Pet Food packaging
  • Sustainable Purpose
  • Coffee packaging
  • Labels and Flexible Packaging
  • Labels for water bottles
  • Flexible packaging for Chocolate
  • Ice cream packaging