Legal Note

1. General information

Service provider: RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group
Address: C/ Flassaders, 6, 08130, Santa Perpètua de Mogoda (Barcelona)
NIF: A-08011926
Telephone: 937183811
Registry: Registered with the Trade Registry of Barcelona, Tome 32790, Sheet 196, General Section page /B-95338/
Domain name:

2. Object and definitions

RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group (from hereon the provider), owner of the domain (from hereon the website) makes the present document available to its users in order to comply with the obligations established in Act 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (from hereon LSSI-CE) among other currently valid legislation, as well as inform all users of the conditions for use of the website and privacy policy.

All persons who access this website assume the role of user, committing to observing and complying rigorously with what is set out here, as well as any other legal provisions that might be applicable.

The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that might appear on the website, without any obligation to give prior notice or inform the users, the publication in the provider’s website being understood to be sufficient.

3. Liability

In no case shall RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group, its suppliers or other third parties mentioned in this website be responsible for damages of any kind (including, among others, damages resulting from loss of benefits, loss of data or interruption of the business) that might result from the use, impossibility to use or from the results of using of this website, any website connected to it or from the content or information contained in any of the said websites, even if this responsibility is based on guarantee, contract, fault or negligence, or any other legal theory, and regardless of whether notice was given about the possibility of such damages.

The information published in this website may not be exhaustive and may be subject to to modifications. The provider does not assume the obligation to update the information contained in this website. The provider is exempt from any kind of liability derived from the information published in its website, whenever this information has been manipulated or introduced by an unrelated third party. From the provider’s website it is possible to be redirected to the contents of third party websites, and given that the provider cannot always control the contents introduced by third parties in their websites, the former does not assume any type of liability regarding such content.

Nevertheless, in compliance with what is established in Art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the provider makes itself available to all users, authorities and security forces, and shall actively collaborate in the removal or blocking of any contents that may affect or be contrary to national or international legislation, rights of third parties or the morals and public order. In the case that a user should consider there to exist any content that may be susceptible to this classification on the website, the user is urged to notify the provider immediately via the contact data provided at the top of this document.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property

On the website, including but not limited to, its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its proper functioning, the designs, logotypes, text and/or graphics are property of the provider or, as the case may be, the provider has the license or the express authorization by the authors. All contents of the website find themselves duly protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights legislation, as well as registered in the corresponding public registries.

For the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization, the provider must obtain the prior written authorization in all cases. Any prior non-authorized use by the provider shall be considered as serious infringement of the author’s intellectual and industrial property rights.
The designs, logotypes, text and/or graphics non-related to the provider and which may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, who are responsible for any possible controversy that might arise regarding these. In all cases, the provider has their express prior authorization.

The provider recognizes the owners’ corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights, and their mere mention or appearance on the website does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility by the provider over the same, as is the case with endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the provider.

Any type of observation regarding possible infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, or any of the contents of the website, may be made using the contact information appearing at the top of this document for this purpose.

5. Website functionality

The provider’s website may use cookies (small files of information that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) in order to carry out certain functions that are considered crucial for the correct functioning and viewing of the site. The user accepts the use of cookies and IP tracking. Our site traffic analyzer uses cookies and IP tracking which allow us to gather data for statistical purposes, such as: date of first visit, number of times the site has been visited, date of last visit, URL and domain used to access, explorer used and screen resolution. However, the user may turn off and/or eliminate these cookies by following the instructions given by his/her Internet browser.

This website has been checked and tested so as to function correctly. In principle, correct functioning can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the provider does not discard the possibility of the existence of certain programming errors, or events of force majeure, natural catastrophes, strike or similar circumstances that may make it impossible to access the website.

The user guarantees that he/she will not access or cause interferences to this website via software robots, web crawlers, routines or any other automatic or semiautomatic system to monitor, copy or download its content for other non-authorized purposes.
The provider does not employ spamming techniques and shall only treat the data transmitted by the user via the electronic contact form made available on this website or through e-mail messages.

6. Privacy Policy

6.1. Basic information on data protection

Responsible entity «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group»
Purpose Compliance with different types of requests by the User
Entitlement Consent of the interested party
Recipient Other group companies
Persons in charge of Treatment inside or outside the EU, adhering to “Privacy Shield”
Additional information Additional and detailed information on Data Protection may be consulted on «»

6.2. Additional information

The present Data Protection Policy regulates the treatment of personal information supplied by the User through the Web Portal (from hereon, the “Portal”) which «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» makes available to Internet users. The present Policy is part of the Legal Notice which is at all times accessible from the Portal.

The User guarantees that the information supplied is true, exact, complete and current, and he/she is responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may occur as a consequence of failure to comply with such obligation. In the case that the information should belong to a third party, the User guarantees that he/she has informed said third party of the aspects contained in this document and has obtained their authorization to supply their data to «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» for the stated purposes.

The Portal may offer features for sharing content via third party applications, such as Facebook or Twitter. These applications may collect and treat information related to the User’s browsing through the different web sites. Any personal information that is collected via these applications may be used by third party users of the same, and their interactions are subject to the privacy policy of the companies that provide these applications.

The Portal may house blogs, forums and other applications or services of social networks with the object of facilitating the exchange of knowledge and content. Any personal information that is supplied by the User may be shared with other users of such service, over which «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» has no control.

In order to offer information or services of interest depending on the location of the User, «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» may access data related to the geolocation of the User’s device, in those cases where the User’s settings permit this.

For the purposes of technical safety and systems diagnostics, anonymously or in aggregate, «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» may register the IP address (the device’s Internet access identification number, which allows devices, systems and servers to recognize and communicate with each other). Such information may also be used for the purposes of analyzing web performance.

6.2.1. Who is responsible for treating the User’s personal information?

Identity: «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» is a Spanish company registered with the Trade Registry of Barcelona, Tome 44667, Sheet 213, Section B-95338 and «A08011926 »

Mailing address: Pol. Ind. Santiga C/ Flassaders, 6 08130 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda Telephone: +34 93 718 38 11

Fax: +34 93 718 64 70

E-mail: « »

6.2.2. For what purpose do we treat the User’s personal information?

«RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» treats the information supplied by the User in order to address the different types of requests made by the latter. Depending on the nature of the request, the purpose is the management of:

  1. Consults and requests for proposals submitted via the contact form established for this purpose.
  2. CVs submitted via the Portal.
  3. Participation in blogs, through comments.
  4. Electronic communications of an informative nature, according to their interests.

«RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» may develop a commercial profile based on the information supplied. No automated decisions will be taken based on such profile.

In those cases where the User registers in the Portal through the social login, «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» shall only access the User’s personal data to which the latter has consented during the configuration of access to the social network in question. Any information supplied in connection with such social applications may be accessed by members of the corresponding social network. Such interactions shall be governed by the privacy policies of the entities rendering the services. «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» has no control nor responsibility regarding such entities or the use they may make of the User’s data. Information about the treatment of data for sending communications from «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group»

The data used, or supplied, in the informative and/or promotional communications are treated by «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» for the purposes of electronic remittance of information and communications about services, activities, publications and events and professionals of «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» or the follow-up and optimization of marketing campaigns carried out via the technology employed to this effect; as well as the elaboration of profiles for commercial purposes.

Consent for such remittance may be revoked at any time for any of the communications received via the mechanism set up to this effect.

The criterion for retention of personal data shall be based on the expression to the contrary on the part of the User. In all cases, the User shall be entitled to exercise his/her rights to access, rectify, limit, eliminate, transfer and oppose, directing his/her request to the mailing address indicated in point 2.1 or via e-mail to «».

6.2.3. For how long will we keep the User’s personal information?

In general, the supplied personal information shall be kept for such time as is necessary to process the User’s request or until elimination thereof is requested by the User. In the specific case of CVs, the information shall be kept for a maximum period of three years, except if indicated otherwise by the interested party.

6.2.4. What is the legitimation for treatment of the User’s personal information?

The legal base for treatment of data is the legitimation through consent by the User.

6.2.5. Who are the recipients of the User’s personal information?

Only in those cases where the User requests service proposals or sends a CV via the portal may his/her data be supplied to other companies of the Grupo Gerosa.

In those cases where the the request by the User justifies this, identification data may be supplied to other entities affiliated to the «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» network, including those located outside the European Economic Area, for the mere purpose of meeting the request related to the target country.

Additionally, the data may be disclosed to public administrations and organisms in compliance with obligations that are directly applicable to «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group».

6.2.6. What are the rights of the User when he/she supplies us with his/her personal information?

The User has the right to obtain confirmation regarding if «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» is treating the personal data he/she is concerned about, as well as to access his/her personal data, request correction of any inexact information or, if applicable, request their elimination, when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain cases, the User may request a limitation to the treatment of his/her data, in which case it will only be kept in order to carry out or defend claims.

In certain cases and for reasons related to his/her specific situation, the User may object to the treatment of his/her data. «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group» shall stop treating such data, except on compelling legitimate grounds or for the exercise or defense of possible claims.

In order to formulate any questions with regard to the present Policy and exercise his/her rights in the legally foreseen terms, the User must send a communication by postal mail to: «RIEUSSET, S.A., company of GEROSA’s group», Pol. Ind. Santiga C/ Flassaders, 6 08130 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, or by e-mail to: « »indicating the corresponding request, together with a copy of the document establishing his/her identity.

We also inform you that in accordance with what is set out in article 21 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on services of the information and electronic commerce society, through your acceptance by checking the subscription to our bulletin box, inclusion in our mailing list or by accepting this legal note, we are expressly authorized to send you advertising or promotional information by e-mail. As recipient of these notifications, the user has the right to revoke this consent, at any time, simply by notifying his/her desire to do so by postal mail or e-mail, to the addresses indicated above, indicating as reference on the envelope or in the subject line of the e-mail “EMAIL UNSUBSCRIBE”.

7. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law. For all conflict resolution or matters related to the present website or the activities developed in it, Spanish law shall be applicable, to which the parties expressly submit, and the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona shall be competent for the resolution of all conflicts derived from or related to the use thereof. Notwithstanding, it shall be obligatory that in the case of conflict the parties must previously try to resolve the matter by mutual agreement.