26 Jun Why do we have ISO 14001 certification in Rieusset?
Rieusset is a proactive company, not only with regard to the implementation of Management Systems, but also with regard to certification by accredited outside organizations, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, BRC Packaging, OHSAS 18001 and DPG. The question that comes to mind is: If we have an efficient Management System that provides us with its own benefits, why do we need to be certified? Is it really necessary to go through all the stress and nerves of an audit? The answer is in the blog, in the article dealing with Audits, where you can read about our belief that Audits help us improve, which is the ultimate goal, not boosting our ego with the fewest number of deviations found. It is common to hear: “They only found 2 Non-Conformities, thank goodness they didn’t look at this or that”; instead we should ask ourselves the following question: Who are we fooling? The auditor? Ourselves? The system?….
The ISO norms were created with the goal of controlling production processes geared to satisfying customer demands, at all times with continuous improvement as a fundamental part of the process. ISO 14001 follows the lead of the earlier ones, but is aimed at environmental issues and impact, with the objective of identifying, controlling and reducing them.
“What if we now go for 14001?”
Rieusset is a company that focuses a large part of its efforts on striving for excellence in environmental management; however, will we be recognized internationally if we aren’t ISO 14001 certified? Will our customers and partners be able to appreciate the efforts carried out by Rieusset in our continuous improvement regarding environmental actions? Do we transmit this concern?…. | |
These doubts make us work towards the pursuit of excellence, not only with the help of these certifications, but through our commitment to the environment, which, after having gotten the environmental certification, has led us to continue with the wheel of continuous improvement, carrying out an Energy Audit, the Carbon Footprint calculation, optimization of material,… which in turn helps us to reduce the environmental impact, a clear definition of objectives and policies aimed at reducing emissions, regardless of whether they have originated directly or indirectly in Rieusset.
Do you know that we have a system to recover the solvents that we use in printing?
With this, we have been able to reduce the amount of fresh solvents, and consequently the amount of petroleum used, achieving a reduction of diffuse emissions. But we will talk about this in a future post, which I hope you’ll read.
In Rieusset the aim of our work is that all members of our organization may see these certifications as an opportunity for improvement and recognition of our daily work as well as a tool that helps to guide us and improve day by day.
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