Implementing the Equality Plan

On the occasion of Working Women’s Day this past 8th of March, we would like to share with you our Equality Plan.

In 2019, Rieusset began to contemplate the need for an Equality Plan, in response to a series of the company’s inner concerns. These stem from a psychosocial study carried out last year which additionally coincides with the publication of Royal Decree-Law 6/2019.

How we developed the Plan

In order to develop the Equality Plan, we contacted several companies specializing in this subject, and we decided on the external consultancy firm Ingeniería Social, S.L. to help us with this project.

At the end of 2019, the first steps were taken by setting up the Equality Plan’s Negotiating Committee, made up of representatives of Management and members of the Works Council.

This Committee is totally equal with regard to gender (three men and three women) as well as representation (three representatives of the company and three representatives of the workers).

The Equality Plan affects eight areas of organization, specifically:

  • equality in culture and policy.
  • internal organization.
  • selection and hiring policy.
  • training and development.
  • conciliation.
  • gender-sensitive labor risk prevention and occupational health.
  • prevention of sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination.
  • inclusive communication and non-sexist language.


The stages of the Equality Plan 


The first stage of the project consisted of the diagnostic process, in which the company’s current situation regarding Equality was analyzed in order to be able to identify those areas where priority action should be taken. 

For this diagnostic stage we engaged: 

  • quantitative and qualitative information supplied by the company.
  • the participation of the workers, by means of answering a questionnaire which allowed us to know their opinion about different questions posed; the percentage of participation was 78%.
  • individual interviews with representatives from different areas: management, human resources, risk prevention, communication and representatives of the workers.

Based on the analysis of all the information obtained, the
Diagnostic Report was prepared, in which the current situation is reflected and opportunities for improvement are proposed. 


The second stage of the project, and on which we are currently working, consists of analyzing the Diagnostic Report, which is to be done by the Negotiation Committee. 

This analysis will allow us to draw up an Action Plan in which concrete actions will be established so that the organization may achieve its Equality Objectives.


Once the previous stage is completed, the following step will be to comply with the legal requirement of registering the Equality Plan.

Through all this work, Rieusset wants to guarantee equal treatment and opportunity for all the people who work in our company, eliminating any type of gender-based discrimination.

In the following months we will present the concrete measures that will be implemented in order to guarantee gender equality in the company. 

    If the topic of this post is of your interest and you would like to know what we can do for your brand, contact us.



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    We Manufacture: Meet Rieusset:
  • Labels for Beers
  • Success Stories
  • Pet Food packaging
  • Sustainable Purpose
  • Coffee packaging
  • Labels and Flexible Packaging
  • Labels for water bottles
  • Flexible packaging for Chocolate
  • Ice cream packaging