
Sustainability certificates in packaging

When choosing a product or a brand, the consumer takes into account many aspects: needs, tastes, budget, etc. But there is one aspect that is gaining strength in decision-making: sustainability. This trend in purchasing habits is a fact, and one which is increasingly more present in our society.

For this reason, in addition to the companies' own awareness, values and philosophy, brands now include in their corporate information the set of certificates they hold, specifically: sustainability certificates – not only environmental sustainability, but also social sustainability and governance.

Following, we will see in more detail the accreditations of these certifications, the benefits of being a sustainable company and the environmental, social and governance sustainability certificates we have at Rieusset.

On the one hand, environmental certifications certify that certain products, services, processes or management systems have been carried out in an environmentally friendly manner and in accordance with the pertinent environmental regulations. Thus, achieving an environmental certification guarantees that the company in question complies with the national and/or international sustainability standards.

On the other hand, social certifications relate more to the treatment given to company personnel and territorial development. The companies that obtain this type of certification are those that meet the requirements stipulated by the standard for offering good working conditions with regard to safety, occupational health, working hours, worker remuneration, as well as favoring sustainable development and contributing to general social welfare through actions such as ethical payment for raw materials, local sourcing and hiring of suppliers, collaborations with the community, etc. Some examples of this are collaborations with entities that work with groups that have special difficulties or keeping the riverbeds of the region clean and in good condition. In short, social certifications guarantee that a company takes into account the impact caused by its decisions and activities and that it acts responsibly with regard to the social, economic and environmental aspects that affect its stakeholders, both internal and external.

Finally, governance certifications refer to the management of the company. This is achieved by those companies that comply with a series of behaviors and standards in both internal and external management structures that focus on transparency, accountability, ethical behavior, efficiency and effectiveness, skills and capabilities, technological and process innovation, openness to change or healthy financial management, among other aspects.

For Rieusset, these certifications are fundamental. Therefore, in addition to fulfilling our employment and production activity, we have a set of certificates that accredit that we invest efforts in achieving responsible work management at an environmental, social and governance level.

The benefits of being a sustainable company at all levels are many. Not only does it affect the environmental footprint, the company's reputation or the brand image, but investing time and effort in managing our activity in a socially responsible way guarantees us:

  • Confidence with regard to final consumers who demand to consume products that are produced in a responsible and sustainable way.
  • The satisfaction of our suppliers and customers when they see that they are working with an institution that has a commitment to the environment and its stakeholders.
  • The satisfaction of the Rieusset workers themselves when they feel that they are part of a company that invests energy in managing its activity in a socially responsible way.
  • For the entire team, feeling that they are part of the group of companies that leads the way towards a more sustainable world is a source of great pride and satisfaction.


Our environmental sustainability certificates

**Last update: April 2023**

Every year we update our certifications and work on getting new ones. Below, we present some of our currently valid environmental sustainability certificates for labels. You may also consult all our current certifications on our website.

· FSC Certificate

The FSC certificate guarantees that the materials and products bearing the FSC  label come from responsibly managed forests and/or other controlled sources.

In addition, FSC issues two different types of certificates: Forest Management Certification and Chain of Custody Certification, each related to different stages of production.

For its activity, Rieusset has received the Chain of Custody certification. This sustainability certificate applies to manufacturers and distributors of forest products and verifies that the products sold with the FSC label actually contain FSC certified materials and come from controlled sources throughout their production chain.


· DPG Certificate 

The DPG code (Deutsche Pfandsystem GmbH) is a code that is printed on the container itself or, in other cases, on the label that identifies it. This code is read by the machine that receives the container so as to ascertain that a container is being introduced for which the user has paid a fee that must now be reimbursed.

It is not a code that can be printed by any printer, as it requires prior certification. Nor can any client use it without proper authorization. Rieusset has been certified for almost 10 years to do so, wherefore its clients are able to participate in increasing the packaging collection rates in the countries that use this system and thus reduce the amount of packaging that is littered into the environment.

Certificado DPG


· Ecovadis

EcoVadis is the web platform for rating sustainability in global supply chains. The EcoVadis Rating is based on non-financial management systems such as environmental impact, labor practices and human rights, ethics and sustainable purchasing. In addition, this qualification is regulated by the size, location and sector of the organization being evaluated.

In 2022, Rieusset was awarded the Ecovadis CSR gold medal rating. We participated for the third consecutive year and on this occasion, we obtained a final score of 74 (only 1 point away from achieving the platinum medal). With this we maintain and strengthen the gold medal achieved the previous year.

In spite of this, we will continue to work on achieving excellence and getting the platinum medal, thus becoming part of that 1% of companies deserving of this recognition. We are constantly improving and we want to achieve it.

Rieusset’s evolution 2020-2022 with regard to the Ecovadis score

Ecovadis criteria 2022 

  • Platinum – 1 % of the best scores (global score between 75 and 100).
  • Gold – 5 % of the best scores (global score between 67 and 74).
  • Silver – 25 % of the best scores (global score between 56 and 66).
  • Bronze – 50 % of the best scores (global score between 47 and 55).

Ecovadis criteria 2020 and 2021

  • Platinum – 1 % of the best scores (global score between 73 and 100).
  • Gold – 5 % of the best scores (global score between 66 and 72).
  • Silver – 25 % of the best scores (global score between 54 and 65).
  • Bronze – 50 % of the best scores (global score between 45 and 53).



This year, 2023, Rieusset has obtained the ISSC Plus certificate, whose purpose is product quality and safety, attention to the environment, respect for people, protection of the health and safety of workers and the set of organizational rules that operate in harmony with the social context.

According to this certificate, in the creation of its products RIEUSSET undertakes to follow these principles:

  • Protection of lands with high biodiversity value or high carbon storage.
  • Carrying out environmentally responsible production to protect the soil, water and air.
  • Safe working conditions.
  • Compliance with human, labor and environmental rights.
  • Compliance with international laws and treaties.
  • Good management practices and continuous improvement.

More details in the ISCC Plus chain of custody policy.


· ISO 14001

The ISO 14001 certification – Environmental Management Systems (EMS) is an international standard that allows companies to demonstrate their commitment to protecting the environment through the management of environmental risks associated with the activity carried out.

To achieve any of these sustainability certificates in the manufacture of labels, the company must be adapted to a series of parameters that are subsequently evaluated by the certifiers and verifiers.

Although each entity has its own methodologies, standards, etc., in order to be granted this certification they or we all have something in common: a great commitment to caring for the environment.

At Rieusset we are extremely proud of the fact that sustainability and respect for the environment are part of our pillars.

Our social sustainability and governance certificates

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 certification is an international standard that focuses on all the quality management elements that an organization must have in order to have an effective system that allows it to manage and improve the quality of its products or services.

This is achieved through the implementation of a quality management method or system (QMS). ISO 90001 establishes the requirements of a quality management system that allows a company to demonstrate its ability to meet client requirements

ISO 22000

ISO 22000 sets out the requirements for any organization in the food chain to ensure that there are no weak links in the food supply chain. To achieve it, it is necessary to observe local and export market laws, as well as customer specifications and requirements. Therefore, the ISO 22000 standard requires specific adjustments to the needs of the industry for each food product.





The aim of the BRC certificate is that of protecting consumers by providing a common basis for all companies that supply food packaging. It is the world’s first packaging standard recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

The BRC is a standard created by the British market long ago (when there were not yet any  regulations of this type) and despite the time, it is still demanded by many clients even above ISO 22000, which is the reference standard since it is an international one.

This standard provides a solid framework to support all types of companies in the manufacture of safe containers and packaging and the quality management of the product so that it may meet client requirements and fulfill legal compliance obligations.



ISO 45001

ISO 45001 is the new international standard for occupational health and safety management (OHSMS). It is a useful tool to help organizations and companies manage risks and opportunities in order to prevent injuries and health problems at work.


Via Sustant

At the Gerosa Group level, we have two governance audits:

In conclusion, all these certificates that we have obtained are in line with our company’s purpose: achieving a more sustainable, safer and healthier future.


    If the topic of this post is of your interest and you would like to know what we can do for your brand, contact us.



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    You can access additional and extended information at this link.

    We Manufacture: Meet Rieusset:
  • Labels for Beers
  • Success Stories
  • Pet Food packaging
  • Sustainable Purpose
  • Coffee packaging
  • Labels and Flexible Packaging
  • Labels for water bottles
  • Flexible packaging for Chocolate
  • Ice cream packaging