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Evolution of the equality plan


The corporate equality plan is a roadmap that aims to achieve equal opportunities and treatment for women and men who work and live together in our company, advancing in the integration of equal opportunities across the entire organization.

The objective of the plan is to establish the strategy, objectives and actions that allow the organization to develop actions in terms of equal opportunities. In addition, it is done in a completely personalized and focused way according to the diagnosis of our company and the needs that derive from it.

In 2019, Rieusset considered the need to have an Equality  Plan in response to internal company concerns. These derive from a psychosocial study carried out the previous year on the entire company staff, also coinciding with the publication of Royal Decree-Law  6/2019, which obliges companies with more than 50 workers to prepare and apply a plan that guarantees equality between women and men in the workplace.

In order to develop the Plan we had the help of the external consultant Ingeniería Social, S.L as well as the Negotiating Committee of the Equality Plan created at the end of 2019, made up of people representing Management and the Works Council.

The Equality Plan was drawn up in 2020 and affects 8 areas of the organization:

  • Equality culture and policy
  • Internal organization
  • Recruitment and hiring policy
  • Training and development
  • Conciliation
  • Labor risk prevention and occupational health with a gender perspective
  • Prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment
  • Inclusive communication and non-sexist language

The plan consists of different phases, specifically three that are explained in the following post: implementing the equality plan.

For 2021 we planned to carry out 17 actions, of which:

  • 12 have been implemented (70%)
  • 3 are in progress (18%)
  • 2 have been postponed (12%)


Let's see in more detail what the most outstanding and implemented actions in the 2021 Equality Plan were:

  • We have created and regulated the activity and functioning of the Equality Committee and it has been designated as the competent body for monitoring and evaluating the Equality Plan and as the body for permanent consultation in Management.


  • We have appointed Remedios Moreno as the reference person on equality issues (Equality Agent) and we have defined her functions. This is not a mandatory figure, but at Rieusset we have decided to engage her to promote the implementation of the Plan. The equality agent has the following functions:
    • Analyzing and evaluating the equality situation in order to detect possible types of discrimination.
    • Preparing, implementing and evaluating equality plans, coordinating the different areas of intervention.
    • Designing, promoting and evaluating the progressive incorporation of gender perspective in the company.
    • Defining positive actions for equality of opportunities.
    • Acting as a mediator in situations related to discrimination based on sex and/or gender.


  • In the prepress section, a section with less gender equality, a woman has been incorporated for the first time in the history of Rieusset in the position of Prepress Officer.


  • Another woman has been incorporated into the Operations Management position, whereby progress is being made in parity in the company's positions of responsibility.


  • During 2021, four people from different areas (administration, purchasing and sales) requested teleworking days or reduced working hours in order to reconcile family and work life. All of them were women and all of them were granted.


  • Both the Personnel Director (Pilar Pintor), as a member of the Equality Commission, and the Equality Agent (Remedios Moreno), have received 48 hours of training specifically in the area of equality.


  • In the months of October and November, awareness-raising sessions on equal opportunities between men and women at work were held, lasting 2 hours for 100% of the workforce.


  • During the month of October, a trainee from a group of social exclusion -such as long-term unemployed women over 45- joined the Personnel Department.


  • On November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the staff who wanted to do so could symbolically support the non-violence declaration by signing a banner.


  • On December 3, International Disability Day, information was projected to raise awareness among the workforce and give visibility to the talent and capabilities that exist beyond disability. We pay special attention to people with disabilities, who must also be able to fulfill themselves through access to the world of work. Therefore, in addition to what is required by law, we encourage the introduction of people belonging to protected categories and we consider service providers who share this commitment.


  • We have adhered to the decalogue of "Zero tolerance for sexual harassment and gender-based harassment in the work environment". This establishes the following:

  • The protocol for the prevention of sexual or gender-based harassment has been separated from the protocol for workplace harassment. Companies are required to have protocols for the prevention of sexual or gender-based harassment and workplace harassment; each of them depends on a different Law (the first one on the Law of Equality and the second one on the law of Labor Risk Prevention). Until now we had a single document that covered the two protocols, now they have been separated to give each one its own identity.


  • Rieusset's commitment to equal opportunities for women and men has been formally and explicitly established in the different corporate documents such as: Code of Ethics, Welcome Manual, and the Policies for Quality, Food Safety and Occupational Health and Safety, as well as the Environmental Policy.


  • The CBA (Coordination of Business Activities) has incorporated a request for the Protocol for the Prevention of Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment from supplier companies that carry out work for Rieusset.

For 2022 we had planned to carry out 18 actions, of which:

  • 13 have been implemented (72%)
  • 2 are in the process of being carried out (11%)
  • 3 were postponed (17%)

Let’s take a closer look at which were the most outstanding actions implemented in the 2022 Equality Plan:

  • We have prepared the Personnel Policy, which establishes Rieusset’s formal commitment to:
    • Equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
    • Zero tolerance for any type of harassment.
    • Fair and equitable compensation.
    • Conciliation of and co-responsibility for work-life balance.


Thanks to this Policy, during 2022:

  • 2 office workers took advantage of a mixed modality of teleworking (without teleworking exceeding 30% of the day).
  • 5 people requested and were granted modifications to their work schedules in order to better reconcile and share responsibility with their work, personal and family lives.
  • 1 factory worker was granted a reduction in their working hours as a reconciliation measure.
  • A woman has joined the Engineering department, until now made up only of men. In this way, we increase the representation of women in the different areas of our company.
  • All the people who make up the steering committee and the person responsible for the selection processes have received specific training that delves into the factors that influence inequalities between women and men in the work environment, and which teaches how to apply the concept of gender perspective in people management and selection processes. It also raises awareness of the importance of using non-sexist –and avoiding discriminatory– language in the workplace.
  • An internal promotion protocol has been carried out based on the evaluation of worker performance, establishing clear and transparent criteria that guarantee the principle of equal opportunities. In this internal promotion protocol it is established that in the event of two or more candidates obtaining the same score, the candidate of the least represented gender in the position for which they are applying will be chosen.
  • The people who make up the Equality Committee (joint committee) have received training on the strengthening of the implementation of the equality plan and the evaluation of the measures deployed within it. Likewise, the deployment of the prevention and action protocol in possible cases of harassment has been intensified, as has the treatment of complaints and reports of possible situations of harassment.
  • Information has been provided to the entire workforce through different communication channels on the importance of conciliation and co-responsibility. These have been the topics covered:
    • What we know about conciliation and what we know about co-responsibility.
    • Breaking stereotypes.
    • Helping at home is not enough, you have to take responsibility for the mental burden.
    • Equitable distribution of time, care and responsibilities among all the people in the family units.
  • Different actions have been carried out regarding the prevention of sexual harassment and harassment for gender-based and sexist attitudes:
    • Dissemination of the 0 tolerance Decalogue.
    • Training 100% of the staff on our sexual and gender-based harassment protocol with the aim of knowing the different types of harassment, the consequences derived from them, the reference persons and how to formulate a complaint following our protocol for sexual or gender-based harassment.
    • Dissemination through our TV screen and emails of different materials and videos on sexual harassment.
    • All new hires have been informed about the 0 tolerance decalogue and the protocols for sexual or gender-based harassment.


For sexual or gender-based harassment in the work environment


    1. Is committed to the effective equality of men and women.
    2. Adopts measures aimed at avoiding any type of discrimination based on sex in the employment relationship.
    3. Does not tolerate any behavior contrary to the freedom, dignity, and physical or mental integrity of workers, customers, suppliers, or any other person linked in any way with the company.
    4. Ensures the quality of work and the health of its workers.
    5. Diligently applies a preventive and pro-active policy to protect its staff against sexual and gender-based harassment.
    6. Has an action protocol against harassment to ensure safe and respectful work environments for all people.
    7. Provides information and training to workers and company management on issues related to these unwanted behaviors.
    8. Arbitrates specific procedures to convey communications and complaints.
    9. Applies severe disciplinary measures in proven situations of harassment.
    10. Makes internal complaint models available to interested persons, guaranteeing confidentiality, data protection and speed of the investigation procedure.



  • Rieusset has committed to the Barcelona City Council’s non-sexist language guide and the PIMEC Non-sexist Dictionary, as regulatory frameworks for non-sexist or discriminatory language. The corporate documents have been reviewed to correct the language (job offers, welcome manual, protocols, etc.) and instructions have been given to the heads of areas and other people to review the language used in the documents, following the recommended guidelines.
  • The wage gap in 2021 was 10.70% and in 2022 it was 11.10%. This small increase is due to the incorporation of two women in the group of technical staff:
    • A woman in a junior position in the engineering department.
    • A woman in a new technical position created in the warehouse section.


For 2023, corrective actions have been planned to minimize the wage gap impact.

Committed to equality of opportunities

As stated in the Gerosa Group’s sustainability balance, “We respect diversity in its different meanings and we recognize its value. For this reason, we are committed to reducing any entry barrier and maintaining a respectful work environment, guided by the principle of equal opportunities.”

We are satisfied with the evolution of our Equality Plan and at Rieusset we are committed to continue working on it so that we are ever closer to achieving our objective based on the principle of equal opportunities, which will help us carry out policies towards more ethical and responsible management.


2023: We registered and implemented the equality plan 

We are pleased to announce that in 2023 we completed the implementation period of the equality plan that was approved in 2021. We are very satisfied with the quantity and quality of the actions that have been implemented, and the progress in equality within Rieusset is evident both in corporate decision-making and in the company’s day-to-day activities.

Our Equality Plan includes the implementation of 53 actions divided into different areas, of which:

  • 83% have been carried out
  • 17% have remained pending

Let’s take a closer look at the most important actions implemented in each of the 8 areas of the Equality Plan:

1. Culture and Equality Policy

In this area, 75% of the planned actions have been completed.

  • The new version of the Welcome Handbook incorporates the Personnel Policy approved in 2022, which explains Rieusset’s commitment to:
    • Equal opportunity and non-discrimination
    • Work-life balance
  • Regarding work-life balance, we have received from the group of office workers:
    • Six requests for more flexible schedules to better reconcile personal, family and work life.
    • A teleworking measure with the same purpose.

In all cases, the requested schedule adaptations have been granted as a flexibility and conciliation measure.

2. Internal organization

92% of the actions in this area have been completed, which is extremely important given that in this area we have worked on the following improvement opportunities that have a direct impact on the workforce:

  • Representation of women in the organization:
    • We have encouraged the presence of women in areas such as prepress and warehouse, where historically there have been no female personnel.
    • We have ergonomically improved some workstations in the production area, such as the die cutters or the sleeve forming machine, with platforms that reduce the risk of overexertion.
  • Working conditions:
    • All employees are hired under the same working hours and contract conditions, regardless of their gender.
    • We interview those who voluntarily decide to leave the company to identify whether the reasons for doing so are related to gender or work-life balance.
    • Annually, we also analyze departures with a gender perspective, reviewing the reasons, the type of contract and the areas affected.

In the last three years, no cases related to gender issues have been found and no person has mentioned them as a reason for leaving.

  • Remuneration policy:
    • We have carried out the valuation of positions in order to complete the remuneration register according to jobs of equal value.
    • We have created a remuneration register protocol in order to analyze whether there is inequality in the remuneration of work.
    • In 2023, we established a salary policy with the objective of developing a clear and fair remuneration model.
    • We analyze the wage gap annually with the aim of reducing it.

3. Recruitment, hiring, evaluation and promotion policies

In this area, 100% of the planned actions have been completed.

  • Recruitment and hiring policies:
    • In the recruitment process offers we have adapted the language so that it is neither sexist nor discriminatory in terms of gender, age and nationality of the person applying.
    • Candidates are evaluated on the basis of the requirements of the job, respecting the principle of equal opportunities for women and men.
    • The selection is based on merit and the level of competence of the candidates for carrying out the functions of the specific job position, without gender, age or other personal and family circumstances being a factor in making the final decision.
    • The underrepresented gender is encouraged in new hires in those areas where the person is needed.
    • When welcoming new recruits, they are informed and trained in the area of equal opportunities.
  • Employee evaluation policies:
    • A competency-based evaluation of Rieusset’s employees has been carried out. This competency evaluation system is based on the principles of non-discrimination based on gender.
  • Employee promotion policies:
    • An internal promotion protocol has been developed based on the evaluation of employee performance and establishing clear and transparent criteria. Rieusset is committed to equal opportunities, favoring the underrepresented gender in the event of a tie score between two individuals.
    • Personnel who are on childcare leave, leave for work-life balance and/or other leaves of absence are informed that they are eligible for this promotion so that they may apply if they deem it appropriate.


4. Training and professional development

100% of the planned actions have been completed. We have carried out:

  • Specific training on equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
  • Sexual harassment, harassment based on sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or gender expression protocol trainings.
  • Awareness campaigns in different areas such as sexual and gender-based harassment, co-responsibility and reconciliation, gender-based violence, functional diversity groups, etc.

Likewise, the Negotiating Committee has been trained specifically in the deployment of the equality plan and the protocol for prevention and action in cases of harassment, with an in-depth evaluation of the measures implemented, the treatment of complaints and reports of possible situations of harassment.

The members of the Management Committee and those in charge of recruitment have also received training on the gender perspective applied in the selection process, inequalities between women and men in the workplace and the importance of using non-sexist language to avoid possible discrimination.

5. Co-responsible exercise of the rights to work, personal and family life

Awareness-raising campaigns have been carried out in this area and a specific section for this fiscal year was included in the training courses on equal opportunities.

Those individuals in the organization who have requested work-life balance measures, such as reduced working hours, flexible working hours and teleworking, have been able to carry them out in the terms they requested.

6. Labor risk prevention and occupational health and safety with a gender perspective

We continue to work on the planning of preventive activities with a gender perspective, considering the needs of all women in the company, as evidenced in the case of the evaluation of ergonomic risks (load handling) or in the inclusive language used in the reports resulting from the risk assessment of the different jobs.

Likewise, in a complementary evaluation, such as the psychosocial evaluation, the CoPsoQ-istas21 method has been used, which takes into account the gender perspective.

7. Preventing sexual and gender-based harassment

In this area, 100% of the planned actions have been completed. We have made improvements such as:

  • Separating the sexual and gender-based harassment protocols and the workplace harassment protocol, since they are governed by different laws.
  • Disseminating and providing training on harassment protocols for the entire workforce.
  • Adhering to the Decalogue of Zero Tolerance towards sexist attitudes, sexual aggression or gender-based aggression and disseminating the Decalogue to Rieusset’s staff.
  • Incorporating the sexual and gender-based harassment protocol in the Business Coordination Activities (CAE) documentation for each company we work with.
  • Awareness campaigns.


8. Inclusive communication, non-sexist and non-discriminatory language

With regard to this point we have worked on the following improvements:

  • Rieusset adheres to the Barcelona City Council’s non-sexist communication guide and the PIMEC’s inclusion guide.
  • We have informed the external company in charge of our blog communications and in our internal newsletters that our organization has adhered to both guidelines and instructed them also to review the language they use to ensure that it is not discriminatory.
  • We have trained the members of the Management Committee specifically in non-sexist language and the guidelines for its use in their communications.


Committed to equal opportunities

All these actions have had a positive impact on the reduction of inequalities between women and men in our workforce and have allowed people to be aware of the existence of an equality plan and to be more sensitive to equality between women and men.

We are satisfied with the progress of our Equality Plan and at Rieusset we are committed to continue working on it so that we are increasingly closer to achieving our objective based on the principle of equal opportunities, which will help us to implement policies towards more ethical and responsible management.

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