; ; ; ; ; ; ; Rieusset opens its doors to the gymnasts of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club of Santa Perpetua | Rieusset Blog

Rieusset opens its doors to the gymnasts of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club of Santa Perpetua


Rieusset continues to consolidate its commitment to the community, celebrating two years as a sponsor of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club of Santa Perpètua de Mogoda. This sponsorship arose from the idea of strengthening the creation of relationships with the environment, favoring the integration of groups and reducing the social gap.

Since then, the results for the Club have been very satisfactory, as described by its Coordinator Edurne Navarro, and all Club members are delighted with this collaboration.

On this occasion, a group of gymnasts had the opportunity to visit our facilities, an experience designed to enrich their vision of the business world and the economic reality of their environment. This collaboration, which seeks not only to support local sports, but also to strengthen ties and promote integration, was very well received by both parties.

During the visit, Jordi Lopez, General Manager of Rieusset and Albert Cairol, Operations Director, shared details about Rieusset’s operations and the importance of the packaging industry in key sectors such as food and beverage.

To learn more about this visit, we interviewed Albert Cairol:

1. How was the visit, how long did it last and what did you see?

The gymnasts’ visit was very positive and enriching. We divided it into two parts to offer a more complete experience. The first part, which lasted approximately 30 minutes, consisted of a general presentation of our products and processes, explaining in detail how our labels, sleeves and flexible packaging are printed. We also took the opportunity to convey the values that guide our company, such as sustainability, quality, innovation and continuous improvement.

After the presentation, we organized a plant tour that lasted approximately one hour, where the gymnasts were divided into two groups. During the tour, they were able to observe first-hand both the production process on our printing lines and the pre-press stages, where all adjustments and preparations are carried out before final production.


2. What would you highlight about this visit?

I would highlight three fundamental aspects that I consider key to this visit:

  • The visit to the printing area: Here the gymnasts were able to see how the labels and the rest of the products manufactured at Rieusset are printed, from the initial design to the final product – a visually stunning experience that allowed them to understand the magnitude of our work.
  • The interdependence of departments: Each area of the company is essential for the next process to run smoothly. The gymnasts saw how each link in the chain, from prepress to printing to quality control, is perfectly coordinated to ensure that the end result is a recognizable end product for them.
  • The importance of discipline, order and organization: As in their training and choreography, it is essential to maintain a high level of organization and precision in the factory in order to meet quality and efficiency standards.



3. What was of most interest to the gymnasts?

There were several aspects that piqued their curiosity, but I would say the three that stood out the most were:

  • The four-color process: They were surprised by how, through the combination of only four colors, we achieve an infinite range of tones and shades. It is a technical process that they found fascinating.
  • The similarities with their training: Many of the gymnasts found parallels between the continuous improvement processes we apply in our factory and the ones they implement in their choreographies to perfect them over time. This generated a very interesting connection between sport and industry.
  • The size of the printing presses: They were impressed by the magnitude and complexity of our printing presses, which are much larger than they had imagined. Seeing them in operation was one of the most impressive moments of the visit.



4. What is the benefit of opening the factory doors to outside visitors?

Opening Rieusset’s doors to external visitors allows us to show off our company and the wide variety of products we manufacture. In this particular case, it was an excellent opportunity for the gymnasts to get to know closely the production processes and the human team behind the company that sponsors them.

It also allowed them to understand how a factory is a harmonious combination of machinery, production processes and people working as a team to transform a raw material into a finished product. This more human and technical vision of this industry helps to change perceptions and to value the collective effort behind each product.



5. Do you think this type of visit can have an impact on young women’s perception of industry?

Undoubtedly, this type of visit has a significant impact. Many young people do not have a deep understanding of the importance of industry in the economy and in their day-to-day lives. Visits like this allow them to see how a factory works on the inside and understand that there are not only machines, but a diverse team of professionals working together, from engineers to shop assistants.

It is important for the younger generation to see that a factory requires technical as well as creative and organizational skills, and that there are many career opportunities in this sector. This can help spark their interest in industry and open the door for them to consider careers they may not have considered before.


Ultimately, the visit of the gymnasts of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club of Santa Perpètua to Rieusset’s facilities was not only an opportunity to strengthen the ties between both entities, but also to inspire the young athletes, giving them a closer and real vision of this industry. Through this experience, they not only learned first-hand about the production processes, but also discovered the importance of values such as discipline, organization, continuous improvement and teamwork, fundamental aspects both in sports and in the business world.

Rieusset remains committed to its environment, creating connections that enrich people and foster the development of new generations. The partnership with the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club reinforces this commitment, adding value beyond the strictly professional.

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