Embalaje flexible hecho por Rieusset

Packaging: Solutions for flexible packaging

Packaging is much more than just a means for packing the product since it can be a sales accelerator. Nowadays it has become the main venture for many companies, and for this reason it is not surprising that in some cases more is invested in the packaging of the product than in the contents thereof. 

When we talk about packaging, we are not only talking about it as a functional element, but we also consider it to be a great communication platform. 

The objectives that are covered by packaging as a whole are: 

· Protecting: one of the main objectives of packaging is protecting the product. When we speak in terms of protection, we particularly emphasize the structure of the materials used in order to provide different mechanical and protective barrier functions. 

· Informing: another one of its objectives is that of transmitting the product information to the consumer. The packaging normally provides information about the manufacturer and the product, the expiration date, the components and other information. Additionally, some types of packaging contain security logos, among other elements that allow the consumer to know more about the product. 

· Projecting an image: packaging can become the product’s silent salesman if it is able to capture the consumer’s attention. Therefore, the third basic objective consists of projecting an engaging commercial image that attracts attention. 

It is not easy to strike a balance between these three factors, and in fact, it doesn’t happen often. For this reason, each product carries out its own hierarchy of relevance. There are products that focus their main attention on projecting their image, leaving product information and component materials on a secondary level, while there are other products that place more emphasis on the protection and transmission of the information rather than on the value of the image. 

Solutions for packaging 

We have been working together with our customers as partners for 150 years, we consider their product as if it were ours, and we are more and more proactive every day, presenting new opportunities even before they have been requested.

Our lines of innovation revolve around three key axes:

  • Structural solutions 
  • Commercial solutions with high added value 
  • Logistic solutions and improvement of the supply chain 

These three areas are developed in two avenues of exploration each.

Structural solutions 

· Sustainability of raw materials.
We work with suppliers, for paper as well as for film, in order to offer our customers a wide range of possibilities that can be adapted to their needs. The incorporation of recycled materials into the materials we use allows our customers to continue working with the same quality and productivity, and we accompany them actively throughout the entire journey.

· Simplification of raw materials.
The second possibility we explore –and offer– is reducing the amount of material. While still assuring the same degree of safety in the packaging, we achieve solutions that are easier to recycle and have a lesser environmental impact.

Commercial solutions with high added value

· Advice for optimizing designs. 
The fact that we have our own pre-printing department and cylinder engraving line allows us to collaborate with agencies and customers in the adaptation of their designs and achieve perfect print results in rotogravure as well as in digital offset printing.

· Personalization and customization of the product.
The new Offset digital technology allows us to offer our customers customization of their product and the incorporation of packaging alternatives that were unimaginable until now. Additionally, we are working intensively in order to achieve synergies between our two technologies, and thus be able to offer hybrid productions, either by combining the two printing processes on the same medium, or by obtaining the same end product but with one standard part and another personalized one. In this way, we are able to maintain the brand image while at the same time providing value with customization.

Logistic solutions and improvement of the supply chain

· We simplify sourcing for our customers. 
One of our principles is that of being able to transmit the confidence to our customers that their product will be on their premises when they need it. To achieve this, we standardize and source raw material, allowing us to eliminate stock-outs.

· Efficiency in the supply chain.
We standardize packaging and work by grouping deliveries, thus optimizing the delivery and transport times.

How can we help you?

As we commented in the previous point, for the Rieusset team it is fundamental to work together with our customers and be proactive in offering packaging solutions that become opportunities. 

As proof of this, since 2017 we have carried out around five hundred industrial trials, 62% of which are conjoint projects with our customers.

The need for new solutions and optimization of processes has given us the opportunity to maintain sustained growth over the last 3 years with regard to trials and new developments, with a 70% increase in the projects carried out in 2020 vs. 2018.

Do you need a packaging solution? Contact us and we will advise you on how to change the structure and/or image of your product in order to achieve your goals successfully.

    If the topic of this post is of your interest and you would like to know what we can do for your brand, contact us.



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    You can access additional and extended information at this link.

    We Manufacture: Meet Rieusset:
  • Labels for Beers
  • Success Stories
  • Pet Food packaging
  • Sustainable Purpose
  • Coffee packaging
  • Labels and Flexible Packaging
  • Labels for water bottles
  • Flexible packaging for Chocolate
  • Ice cream packaging