100 primeros días del Patrocinio al Club Rítmica Santa Perpètua

The first 100 days of sponsorship of the Santa Perpètua Rhythmic Gymnastics Club

Approximately 100 days ago, we had the pleasure to announce that Rieusset is the new sponsor of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club of Santa Perpètua de Mogoda for the 2023-2025 seasons. Since then, Rieusset and the Club have benefitted from this agreement. 

Let’s look at what has been achieved thanks to this sponsorship during its first 100 days.

What has our sponsorship done for the Club?

Thanks to Rieusset’s financial contribution and its support and accompaniment, the Club has been able to make progress in achieving the following objectives:

Spanish Federation License that allows its gymnasts to compete at level VII with the Santa Perpètua Club. Last year, two level VII gymnasts had to compete with a license from the Montgat Club, since the Santa Perpètua Club did not have sufficient financial resources to pay for the licenses. This season, thanks to the sponsorship, the Santa Perpètua gymnasts can compete with their own club.

We currently have 4 individual gymnasts competing in the Base category and soon they will fight to qualify for the national championships representing Santa Perpètua.

Expanding the technical team with qualified coaches for federation levels and ex-gymnast instructors for school and initiation groups. This season, Anastasia Vasylieva, a former 1st category gymnast with international experience, has joined the technical team. Anastasia not only provides knowledge and technique, but also lends image and presence to the Club.

The club is also pleased to have Berta Capdevila join as monitor assistant in the babies category. Berta, a senior gymnast, is training with a CIATE sports course and also in classical ballet. Having a monitor who has grown up with the Club’s teachings is ideal since she can transmit the Club’s values and gymnastics style while creating her own style.

– Training of head coaches. The Club has two trainers with maximum training (level 3) and one member of the technical team (who is also a gymnast) and who thanks to the sponsorship is currently studying at level 1.

– Spanish and Catalan federation licenses for trainers and gymnasts. The Club already has two trainers who have the Catalan and Spanish license.

– Community Manager and media officer. For 6 months the Club has had two interns in the communication department. They have also worked on the restyling of the club logo, the design of the new outfits, and they have participated in the organization of events. In addition, they are working on the new Club website.

– Having the Club’s own material for initiation level gymnasts. In these first 100 days, balls and ropes have been acquired. The intention is to expand the variety of the material each season. This allows gymnasts to have more varied workouts and to learn the use of different materials sooner.

– Renewing the uniform of trainers and gymnasts to improve the image. The change of outfit has been a total success. The Club dresses more elegantly in competitions and with the Rieusset logo. The outfit includes a coat to keep warm in the pavilions during competitions. In addition, the fact of having a sponsor and wearing its logo on the outfit gives prestige to the Club.

Thanks to the improvement in training and reinforcement of the technical team, the Club is obtaining better results than expected in competitions, both in the school competitions  league and in trophies and federative phases.

The fact of improving external and internal communication, of having changed the outfit, the logo, and soon the web, improve the Club’s image and accompany the improvement of the level of the gymnasts.

In short, the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club of Santa Perpètua de Mogoda is becoming a quality club, with a good image and a good reputation, partly thanks to having a sponsor who has committed to women’s sports.

Sports milestones achieved during these 100 days

The individual competition season is about to end, the Club’s gymnasts have achieved podiums in all the trophies in which they have participated, causing a great impact on the public, the judges and the other clubs.

According to the data provided by the Santa Perpètua Rhythmic Gymnastics Club, these are the most relevant sports milestones achieved:

– Platja d’Aro International Trophy: Heidy Novoa 3rd ranked senior level IV.

– Trophy of the Roses in Sant Feliu de Llobregat: Júlia Gómez children’s level V  champion and Sara Mur youth level VII runner-up

– Montmeló Trophy: Laia Morales cadet A champion, Carla Giner children’s A runner-up and Maia González under 12 B runner-up.

– Montgat Trophy: Júlia Gómez children’s level V champion, Ivet Rodríguez junior level V champion, Paula Vilar under 8 C champion and Ainara García cadet A champion.

– Bcn Regional Trophy: Bruna Aixàs cadet level VII champion.

– National Farners Trophy: Bruna Aixàs cadet level VII champion and “prize for elegance” among the participants of all categories and levels, Carla Giner cadet A champion and Ivet Rodríguez 3rd junior level V.

– Individual Regional Finals: Ainara García cadet A regional champion and classified for the Catalunya championship as regional representative of the Vallès Occidental, Laia Morales regional cadet A 3rd classified, Noemí Solorzano under 8 C regional champion, Paula Vilar under 8 C regional runner-up, Gal.la Arias under 10 C regional champion, Ainhoa Duque under 12 C regional champion, Maia González under 12 B regional runner-up, Carla Giner children’s A regional runner-up and Noa Iglesias children’s A regional runner-up.

Bruna Aixàs, campeona cadete nivel VII

– Catalan Cadet Championship: Bruna Aixàs 3rd for Catalonia and classified for the Spanish Championship in Pamplona on 22 April as representative for Catalonia.

– Catalan level IV Cup: Meritxell Aixàs champion in the 1st phase, Heidy Novoa champion in the 2nd phase, Meritxell Aixàs runner-up in the 2nd phase. Both classified for the Catalan Championship to be held on Saturday, 15 April in St Jaume d’Enveja (Tarragona) and with a high likelihood of occupying the first positions again.

The Club currently has its sights set on the team season that ends next December. It will be the Club’s first time taking part in the qualification for the Spanish Championship.

The good coordination and organization of the technical team, the effort, involvement and discipline of the gymnasts and the high-quality training sessions, together with the financial help from Rieusset, have allowed the Club to experience the best year in its history in terms of results in competitions.

Our assessment of the collaboration

We started this collaboration with great enthusiasm, and now, after these first months and after seeing the magnificent results obtained by the Club, we can honestly say that we are more than satisfied to have started this sponsorship. 

We are proud to sponsor a Club with values that are so similar to ours: continuous improvement, discipline and effort.  Through our sponsorship we also reinforce our company purpose by supporting and promoting the practice of an eminently female sport which is inclusive and flourishing in our population. Finally, this sponsorship allows us to increase our brand visibility and link Rieusset to these values.

This collaboration marks a great step for Rieusset with regard to our purpose of social sustainability within our environment. We want to leave a positive impact on our immediate environment and move towards 360º sustainability –sustainable internally and externally–.

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