etiqiuetas para cervezas Rieusset

Beer labels that stand out on the supermarket shelf

When we say that personalized labels are the best way to present your product, we are not exaggerating one bit. The label, with its colors, typeface, designs… is what attracts our attention and invites us, many times, to try a product again or even purchase it for the first time. 

Beer labels: the origin

etiqueta tipo sello de cervezas en RieussetAt the end of the 19th century, labels began to be introduced for alcoholic beverages such as French wines or British beers, epitomized by the Irish Guinness and its  famous golden harp.

In Spain, according to portals like JAB, the first beer bottle labels date back to the end of the 19th century, concretely to the brand Cruz Blanca (Santander). In this way, already in the 20th century, labels on Spanish beer bottles could often be seen although the majority of bottles had the name of their manufacturer embossed directly on them. 

It was at the beginning of the 1920s that beer makers agreed on one type of bottle, without brands and in three different sizes, which made the use of labels obligatory so as to distinguish between the different beers.

Around the 1950s, and until the 1980s, it was popular to label products via silk-screening of the glass bottles, but faced with the need to include a greater amount of information about the product, the trend went back to paper labels (although some beers have maintained this technique, as in the case of Ambar with its Caesar Augusta beer). 

etiquetas para cervezas en botella de Rieusset Source: JAB

What beer bottle labels tell us 

As we have mentioned at the beginning of this article, currently labels play a crucial role since they allow to capture the consumer’s attention when faced with a wide range of possibilities. 

Even so, further to their commercial attraction, beer labels must comply with the regulations and legislation for beer labeling which includes: the food information (designation of the food, list of ingredients, allergens, alcohol strength, net amount, best before date, identification of the company that produces it and/or distributor, etc.), the legal name, in the case of being artisan production this can be included, among other aspects. 

estanteria de etiquetas de cerveza de RieussetWith all this, surely we have all been in the situation where we are looking at the beer section of any establishment, we study the information on the labels and we have a hard time interpreting this. In this situation, we end up buying one brand and not another based on a prior positive experience or maybe just on impulse. 

According to a Nielsen study, 66% of consumers say that one of the most important factors when purchasing a beer is the container and its label, which should be eye-catching and attractive. Furthermore, the same study claims that more than 70% of consumers take the decision of which beer to buy once they are in front of the shelf or the refrigerator. Without a doubt, this is a key indicator for beer makers to invest the same amount of effort in their beer as in their image. 

Creativity as a source of client acquisition

Keeping in mind the importance of the visual aspect in the decision to purchase, the beer market is fuller than ever before of good examples of eye-catching labels that wield a great deal of influence.

We are going to show your three brilliant examples of designs for beer labels. 

Cervecería Sagrada: a Mexican brand of craft beer that captures the colorful history and spirit of its country. The labels by the designer José Guízar recreate the masks of some of the most famous and recognized fighters.

Rey Negro beer packaging by Rieusset

Around The World Beer Flight: the design agency Solarium Creative came up with the idea of an eye-catching design inspired by old baggage labels. Each label represents one of the world’s major airports. 

etiqueta para botellas around the world de Rieusset

Oregon Brewing Company: the line of Rogue beers is another example of fabulous label design. The names and flavors coincide with the bold personality of the beer and additionally the illustrations of many of the labels include a person either raising his or her left fist or lifting a beer in a toast to the consumer.Oregon packaging by rieusset

Although it is very important for a beer to taste good and have a good label, we can’t deny that nowadays there is a third element that comes into play: sustainability. 

Currently, sustainability is a tendency that affects small producers as well as big brands. Ecologic beer or sustainable beer is that which aims to be environmentally friendly and socially respectful. But not just that! In addition to implicating themselves in the product itself, some brands also implicate themselves in the container. 

During the 1960s, Heineken introduced a rectangular beer bottle shaped like a glass brick. In 1963, the businessman Alfred Heineken and the architect John Habraken designed Heineken Wobo, a rectangular glass bottle that could be reused as building bricks.

etiquetas para cerveza heinekenSource: Intelligent Living

Another case was the Danish company Carlsberg who got to work on reducing its environmental impact, and in looking for sustainable packaging solutions developed beer in paper bottles.

Calsberg beer packaging by RieussetSource: Packaging Europe

What does Rieusset do in this regard? 

At Rieusset we have been producing beer labels for years. At present, this sector represents approximately 20% of our total production, making us one of the principal suppliers on the national level among the top brands. 

Speaking in terms of the product, our work is based on what the client requests and we deliver labels for beer bottles following their needs and demands with regard to esthetics a well as sustainability.

· Esthetics: we have a rigorous system of design approval; high quality printing of texts, symbols and colors; quality consistency in each print run from beginning to end (via rotogravure printing), etc. Rotogravure’s success example:
We also offer our clients the possibility of personalizing the designs of their labels through  digital offset technology, which provides an attractive solution for sales promotions and market studies. 

· Sustainability: committed to the environment, we develop projects aimed at innovation and sustainability, always searching for more sustainable alternatives in paper and plastic.

  • In paper labels we offer our clients the option of incorporating the FSC certification seal  that accredits that the paper comes from controlled forests. Furthermore, we are developing alternatives with recycled paper. 
  • In plastic labels we offer Linerless self-adhesive labels as one of the currently more sustainable solutions in comparison to conventional self-adhesive labels.

Do you need a label for your beer bottle?
Don’t wait any longer! Contact us and we will help you get chosen. 

    If the topic of this post is of your interest and you would like to know what we can do for your brand, contact us.



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    We Manufacture: Meet Rieusset:
  • Labels for Beers
  • Success Stories
  • Pet Food packaging
  • Sustainable Purpose
  • Coffee packaging
  • Labels and Flexible Packaging
  • Labels for water bottles
  • Flexible packaging for Chocolate
  • Ice cream packaging